NEHRP Clearinghouse

Tectonics of the Oceanographer Transform: Seismic Evidence.
Rowlett, H.; Perez, O.
September 1978, 60 p.
Ocean-bottom seismographs (OBS's) were used in a combined refraction and microearthquake monitoring experiment at the eastern junction of the Oceanographer transform with the mid-Atlantic ridge at 35 N. Microearthquake activity at the junction occurred over a zone at least 7 km wide. Microearthquakes that were located define a linear zone of faulting up to 12 km in length and about 3 km in width that is oblique to both the local strike of the median valley and transform valley and the present direction of spreading. These microearthquakes appear to be associated with fault scarps that form the inner walls on the west and north sides of the median and transform valleys.
Microseisms; Seismic data; North Atlantic Ocean; Seismic detection; Tectonics; Submarine topographic features; Ocean bottom; Seismic refraction; MidAtlantic Ridge; Monitoring; Scarps; Seismographs; Submarine faults; Earthquakes; Geological faults