NEHRP Clearinghouse

Earthquake Prediction and Hazard Mitigation - Options for USGS and NSF Programs.
Office of the Assistant Director for Scientific, Technological and International Affairs (NSF), Washington, D.C., September 15, 1976, 113 p.
This document constitutes a plan based upon staff working papers, two Advisory Group meetings (June and August 1976), input from Advisory Group members and subpanels, and comments, suggestions and criticism received from others. Contents include 4 chapters: (1) Introduction, including list from Advisory Group members; (2) Brief assessment of available social, political, economic measures for mitigating impacts of earthquakes and the current state of the technological basis for these measures; (3) Discussion of current earthquake research efforts and options for future augmentation of earthquake research, including activities, funding levels, technical milestones, and public benefits; (4) Discussion of the efforts and options for improving utilization of research results and coordination mechanisms. The document builds upon numerous studies of the earthquake problem and analyses of strategies for response to it that have already been made. Some of the most significant of these are listed in Appendix I.
Hazard assessment; Predictions; Earthquake resistant structures; Seismic waves; Earth movements; Earthquake warning systems; Earthquake engineering; Seismic risk analysis; Hazards; Tsunamis; Earthquakes; Geological faults