NEHRP Clearinghouse

Dynamic Behavior of the Steam Generator and Support Structures of the 1200 MW Fossil Fuel Plant, Unit Number 3, Paradise, Kentucky.
Yang, T. Y.; Baig, M. I.; Bogdanoff, J. L.
National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Research Applied to National Needs., June 3, 1976, 69 p.
A detailed dynamic analysis, presented in a series of reports, was conducted on the seismic response and structural safety of key subsystems (steam generator, high pressure piping, coal handling equipment, cooling tower, chimney) of Unit No. 3 of TVA at Paradise, Kentucky in order to: (1) determine for the key components the natural frequencies below 50 Hz and the corresponding normal modes; (2) determine response of plant to seismic disturbances; (3) verify through full scale tests results obtained in (1) and determine estimates of damping needed in (2); (4) determine potential failure modes of major structural components; and (5) determine a spare parts policy for a power system so that outages due to damage from seismic disturbances are minimal. Analytical and experimental methods are used. In this volume, the steam generator and the supporting structures of a 1200 mw fossil plant are studied by using a 2715 degree-of-freedom finite element model. Fundamental frequencies and modes are found first for various versions of the subsystem. Three frequencies and modes are then found for the total system. The mode shapes are presented in 3-D view.
Supports; Safety engineering; Earth movements; Paradise (Kentucky); Chimmeys; Fossil-fuel power plants; Boilers; Earthquake resistant structures; Piping systems; Cooling towers; Frames; Dynamic response; Finite element analysis; Earthquake engineering; Kentucky; Resonant frequency; Materials handling equipment; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysis