NEHRP Clearinghouse

NSF-DCPA-ASEE Summer Institute on Multiprotection Design (1977).
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Applied Science and Research Applications., August 5, 1977, 25 p.
This interim report describes a proposed summer institute program to provide a two-week course of instruction for the American Society for Engineering Education in August, 1977. The stated objectives are to present to architectural and engineering faculty and practitioners the current problems and approaches to the design of structures to both protect the occupants and to mitigate the effects of natural disasters such as ground motion earthquakes, high winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, and fire. Included would be building design, considerations for nuclear blast and radiation fallout, environmental considerations, security and crime, and energy conservation. The material was developed to motivate professional participants to include this methodology in their work by acquiring an awareness of multiprotection design techniques in the design of structures and updating of building codes. An appendix includes the mailing list for prospective applicants and the announcement stating course objectives and descriptions. Out of 1,826 mailings, 202 applications were received and 57 of these were selected.
Environmental engineering; Structural engineering; Earthquake resistant structures; Natural disasters; Structural design; Disasters; Buildings; Tornadoes; Meetings; Building codes; Design criteria