NEHRP Clearinghouse

Methodology for Mitigation of Seismic Hazards in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Buildings, Phase 1.
Barnes, S. B.; Johnson, A. W.; Pinkham, C. W.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Applied Science and Research Applications., March 31, 1978, 69 p.
Unreinforced masonry buildings are studied in order to determine appropriate methods to deal with hazard mitigation and to study methods of retrofit so that design methods can be established. These design methods are to be devised with consideration of the particular structural conditions of unreinforced masonry construction, their earthquake response, the seismicity of the particular location, and the economics of retrofit. Phase 1 has studied the state-of-the-art of hazard mitigation and retrofit in order to determine those concerns requiring additional testing and analysis not currently available to complete the design methodology. An outline of the design methodology has been established and each item in the methodology has been discussed in sufficient depth to determine further study items. A set of suggested criteria have been proposed with omission of those items where additional work is required. Finally, a summary of these further study items has been included so that the work to be performed in Phase 2 can be identified.
Masonry; Earthquake resistant structures; Retrofitting; Costs; Seismic risk; Construction materials; Walls; Structural design; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Hazards; Design criteria