NEHRP Clearinghouse

Environment, Recent Awards, October-December 1977.
December 1977, 14 p.
Identifying Number(s)
['NSF-78-9', 'NSF/RA-770706']
This issue presents brief descriptions of awards granted by the Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology (AENV) during October 1, 1977 to December 31, 1977. The reorganization of RANN (Research Applied to National Needs) and the establishment of ASRA (Applied Science and Research Applications) are described. The general objectives of the Earthquake Hazards Mitigation Program and specific objectives of three categories of the program, siting, design, and policy, are outlined. Both general and specific objectives of other programs, such as Chemical Threats to Man and the Environment, Alternative Biological Sources of Materials, and Community Water Management also are presented. Awards granted are listed according to title, principal investigator, institute conducting research, and award number. They include awards in the areas of managing the natural environment, disasters and natural hazards, and renewable sources.
Grants; Listings; Research projects