NEHRP Clearinghouse

Environment, Recent Awards, April-June 1977.
January 1977, 10 p.
Identifying Number(s)
['NSF-77-57', 'NSF/RA-770775']
This brochure presents brief descriptions of awards for scientific research given by the Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology during the period April 1, 1977 through June 30, 1977. Five major categories covered are: (1) 'Chemical Threats to Man and Environment' focuses on identifying, understanding and reducing contamination arising from the manufacture, use, and disposal of chemical products; (2) 'Regional Environmental Management' focuses on developing management and analytic procedures for identifying, exploring, and comparing alternatives for achieving environmental goals; (3) 'Societal Response to Natural Hazards' focuses on developing an understanding of the probable economic and social costs of natural hazards and design, and developing and testing alternative approaches to enable society to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disastrous events; (4) 'Weather Modification' focuses on developing and testing weather modification technologies which mitigate undesirable effects of weather, and identifying problems and opportunities arising from inadvertent modification of weather by human activity; and (5) 'Earthquake Engineering' focuses on developing economically feasible design and construction methods for building earthquake resistant structures.
Grants; Listings; Research projects