NEHRP Clearinghouse

Recent Awards, April-June 1978.
January 1978, 10 p.
Identifying Number(s)
['NSF-78-57', 'NSF/RA-780502']
This brochure presents brief descriptions of awards made by Problem-Focused Research Applications (PFRA) during the period April 1, 1978 through June 30, 1978. Four major categories covered are: (1) 'Alternative Biological Sources of Materials' focuses on alleviating national dependence on selected scarce resources by making alternative biological sources of materials available in the United States; (2) 'Chemical Threats to Man and Environment' focuses on identifying, understanding, and reducing contamination and environmental hazard arising from the manufacture, use, and disposal of man-made and naturally occurring chemical products; (3) 'Community Water Management' focuses on reducing risks to public health, safety, and the environment that arise from or are otherwise associated with the use and reuse of water; and (4) 'Earthquake Hazards Mitigation' focuses on reducing the casualties, damage, and social economic disruption from earthquakes by developing our technological capabilities through research and developing an increased understanding of the adjustments that units of society can make to earthquake hazards.
Grants; Listings; Research projects