NEHRP Clearinghouse

Natural Hazards: A Public Policy Assessment.
Petak, W. J.; Atkisson, A. A.; Gleye, P. H.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., December 1978, 541 p.
This study was concerned with the: (1) identification and description of the characteristics, geographic distribution, and potential effects of nine hazardous natural events within the United States; (2) assessment of the vulnerability of several classes of buildings, and their occupants, to each hazard; (3) identification and measurement of the major primary, secondary, and higher order effects expected to be associated with the exposure, by major geographic area, of buildings and their occupants to these hazardous natural events; (4) identification and explication of the major candidate public problems which are associated with these effects; (5) identification of the costs and characteristics of the major types of technologies appropriate for mitigating the effects induced by exposure of buildings and their occupants to each of the nine natural hazards; (6) identification and description of the major types of public policies which may induce the application of hazard-mitigating technologies; (7) estimation of the economic costs and other effects associated with the use of selected technologies to mitigate the effects of these hazards; (8) identification of the major effects and candidate public problems which might be generated by the use of selected technologies in mitigating the effects; (9) identification and evaluation of the major problem-solving strategies and public policies which are relevant to the problems identified.
Cost analysis; Risk assessment; Expansion; Wind (Meteorology); Government policy; Hurricanes; Landslides; Damage; Disasters; Floods; Soil water; Hazards; Rivers; Storm surges; Tornadoes; Tsunamis; Risk; Earthquakes