NEHRP Clearinghouse

Natural Hazards Observer, Volume 2, Number 4, June 1978.
White, A.; Waterstone, P.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., June 1978, 14 p.
The National Hazards Observer is intended to strengthen communication between research workers and the individuals, organizations and agencies concerned with public action relating to natural hazards. The feature article concerns the strengthened commitment of the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA) in hazard mitigation. Also included in this issue are discussions of: (1) preparation of 60-second public service announcements for radio and TV by the Civil Defense Preparedness Agency to call attention to the role of local civil defense organizations in peacetime as well as in nuclear disasters; (2) the request by the public for more scientific earthquake prediction and preparedness; (3) a computer-based simulation exercise (ATLANTIS); (4) cooperation between UNESCO and UNDRO (UN Disaster Relief Organization) in earthquake risk research, training, and public education; (5) the endorsement of a resolution by the UN General Assembly which calls for the promotion of measures to facilitate and expedite international relief assistance and to emphasize prevention; (6) a statement of concern that flash floods now rank as the major killer and destroyer among weather-related disasters in the U.S.; (7) estimating the long term effects of floods, tornados, and hurricanes; (8) governors' project on emergency preparedness; (9) emergency evacuation route maps, seismic design and public policy; and (10) geologic awareness. Also included are announcements of conferences, recent publications, Washington Update, and included are annluncements of conference, recent publications, Washington Update, and newly awarded NSF grants.
Emergency preparedness; Civil defense; Hurricanes; Federal assistance programs; Public services; Disasters; Disaster relief; Floods; Tornadoes; United Nations; Hazards; Radio broadcasting; Communicating; Warning systems; Television broadcasting; Newsletters; Disaster preparedness; Disaster assistance; Earthquakes