NEHRP Clearinghouse

Geology and Coastal Hazards in the Northern Monterey Bay, California Field Trip Guidebook, November 4, 2000.
Hapke, C.
January 2000, 26 p.
Identifying Number(s)
This field trip will explore the relationships between geology and coastal hazards, and human influences in the northern Monterey Bay, which is a tectonically active high wave energy environment. Seacliffs, shore platforms, pocket beaches and a headland/embayment morphology characterize this rocky coastline. Many studies of the onshore and offshore geology and geophysics, the local wave climate, and the effects of large storm events and earthquakes on the coastline have been conducted in this region (see Related Reading). This field trip will summarize the many findings of these research investigations, as well as consider the relationship between the rates and styles of short- and long-term seacliff erosion and the variations in the local geology. During the field trip we will investigate seacliff sites of different geological lithologies, geographic orientations, and varying protection from wave attack, and consider how these variables affect not only the rate or magnitude of seacliff retreat but also the styles of retreat. In general the two primary forcing factors in the retreat of seacliffs are marine and terrestrial processes. At the various field trip stops we will consider the relative importance of these processes in shaping the coastline at that particular location. Where beaches have developed, whether naturally or by emplacement of man-made structures, we will look at the occurrence of the beaches (why they exist where they do) and the response of the beaches to large storm events. Finally, this trip will focus on the various coastline protection structures that have been built, and their effectiveness in protecting development on the beaches or at the tops of the seacliffs.
Geophysics; Geology; Coastal areas; Lithology; Research; Monterey Bay; Coastal hazards; Storms; Ocean waves; Earthquakes