NEHRP Clearinghouse

Scenarios of Buildings in Given Earthquake Damage States - December 7, 1972 (Subject to Periodic Revision). MIT Civil Engineering Boston Quake Project.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., December 1972, 14 p.
Eight descriptions of buildings in given earthquake damage states are presented. Scenario recaps include information about the following topics: motions and sounds perceived; books and bookshelves; conventional suspended ceilings; conventional suspended light fixtures; walls and partitions; stairways; structural damage; repair cost ratio; time to restore order; length of time building is out-of-function; fraction of occupants seriously injured or killed; fraction of people killed. The consequences of the earthquake based on each damage site are summarized in chart form.
Damage assessment; Scenarios; Dynamic response; Buildings; Destruction; Accidents; Injuries; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysis