NEHRP Clearinghouse

Local Characterization of Free-Field Ground Motion and Effects of Wave Passage.
Luco, J. E.; Sotiropoulos, D. A.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Office of Planning and Resources Management., February 1980, 40 p.
A simple model of the seismic source and propagation medium is used to obtain a local representation of the free-field ground motion in terms of a small number of equivalent dispersive plane waves. The seismic source is represented as a dislocation distributed over a small area on a vertical fault plane. The propagation medium is represented as a layered elastic half-space. Numerical values for the equivalent phase velocities entering in the representation are included for different epicentral distances and source depths. Based on the local characterization of the free-field motion, estimates of the magnitude of the effects of nonvertically incident seismic waves on the response of foundations and structures are reported.
Seismic waves; Seismic epicenter; Dynamic response; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Foundations; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysis