NEHRP Clearinghouse

The Simulation of Earthquake-Like Ground Motions with High Explosives.
Higgins, C. J.; Johnson, R. L.; Triandafilidis, G. E.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Office of Planning and Resources Management., July 1978, 590 p.
Identifying Number(s)
Assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of using high explosive detonations to simulate the effects of earthquakes on engineering structures is reported. The investigation comprised eight tasks: (1) identification of potential simulation methods; (2) development of simulation criteria; (3) analysis of existing ground motion; (4) development of a numerical calculation approach involving over 30 one- and two-dimensional calculations to expand the data base by providing insight into explosive ground motion phenomena and revealing relationships between governing parameters; (5) numerical calculations to enhance ground motions from explosive sources; (6) synthesis of data and calculation results into predictive relations; (7) application of explosives to simulate an earthquake-like environment to a specific structure; and (8) presentation of the economic feasibility of using explosives to simulate earthquake-like systems. Results indicate that explosive simulation of earthquake-like ground motions on engineering systems is technically feasible.
Cost analysis; Explosive charges; Seismic waves; Earth movements; NTISNSFRA; Dynamic response; Ground motion; Simulation; Explosion effects; Energy transfer; Earthquakes