NEHRP Clearinghouse

Community Response to Earthquake Threat in Southern California. Part One: Objectives and Utilization.
Turner, R. H.; Nigg, J. M.; Paz, D. H.; Young, B. S.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science.; Geological Survey, Reston, VA., January 1980, 234 p.
This volume is part of a study investigating individual and community response to earthquake threat in southern California. The overall objective is to provide a basis for understanding community response to earthquake predictions released to the public. The report reviews some of the relevant literature from which leads and hypotheses are derived and describes steps taken to disseminate findings and conclusions to potential users. Specific research objectives are enumerated and expected consequences of the research are discussed. Topics include the background and scope of the study; earthquake prediction in China; mobilization of altruistic sentiments for earthquake endangered groups; implementation of seismic safety legislation; and mass media and preparation for natural disasters. Also included are several papers presented at meetings and symposia on earthquake prediction.
Emergency preparedness; Mass media; California; Forecasting; Attitudes; Disaster preparedness; Behavior; Public opinion; Disasters; Hazards; Responses; Surveys; Warning systems; Communities; Earthquakes