NEHRP Clearinghouse

Natural Hazards Observer. Volume 6, Number 2, November 1981.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., November 1981, 14 p.
This issue contains brief articles and publications announcements covering the following topics: mental health services to disaster victims; a new topographic map of Mount St. Helens, seismicity maps of eastern states, and a hydrologic unit map of the United States; an award for environmental and resource planning in the San Francisco Bay region; social science disaster research; state emergency legislation, organization, vulnerability analyses, and management programs; interstate flood plains problems; a small-town response to disaster; and local disaster management. Announcements of national and international conferences, symposia, and workshops to be held are listed as well as the availability of recent publications. Descriptions of newly awarded grants involve earthquake insurance; earthquake engineering research; computer models for flood insurance studies; a post-event investigation of natural disasters; and mud flows and coastal flooding in regard to the National Flood Insurance Program.
Emergency planning; Newsletters; Insurance; Disaster preparedness; Seismology; Mount Saint Helens; Disasters; Floods; Disaster relief; Hazards; Tornadoes; Recovery; Management; Information centers; Warning systems; Maps; Earthquakes