NEHRP Clearinghouse

There She Blows: The Search and Rescue Response to the Mount St. Helens Volcano.
Kilijanek, T. S.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., January 1981, 151 p.
The search and rescue (SAR) response to the Mount St. Helens disaster is analyzed. An overview of past research is provided as is a description of how Washington's SAR community responds to typical SAR demands on a daily basis. Federal, state, and local disaster planning efforts and the nature of interorganizational linkages among the responding agencies are examined. Three aspects to the SAR response are discussed: (1) the sequence of events during the main SAR operation around the mountain; (2) SAR activities in the ashfall area of Moses Lake and Ritzville; and (3) preparations for a possible SAR response to future eruptions of the still active volcano. Similarities between volcanoes and earthquakes are noted. Recommendations for a more effective approach to emergency management are made, including: (1) emergency response managers should adopt an open systems perspective in both disaster planning and response; (2) Federal disaster policy should adopt a proactive approach to disaster predictions; and (3) emergency response managers should recognize the uncertainty of disaster predictions.
Emergency preparedness; Emergency services; Volcanoes; Mount Saint Helens; State government; Disasters; Volcanic ejects; Rescue operations; Searching; Washington (State); Search and rescue; Moses Lake; Management; Local government