NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- Mechanics of Geomaterials: Rocks, Concretes, Soils. Preprints, William Prager Symposium Held on September 11-15, 1983.
- File
- Author(s)
- Bazant, Z. P.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.,
September 1983,
612 p.
- Abstract
- Recent years have witnessed an intensified interest in the mechanics of soils and rocks, as well as concrete. Applications in geotechnical and structural engineering, mining and pretroleum engineering, nuclear power plant safety, underground excavation, earthquake predictions, structures in the ocean, and the mechanics of celestial bodies, abound with mechanics problems which call for more realistic and more accurate solutions. Work in this field has proceeded to a large extent separately within various professional groups, and communication among civil engineers, geophysicists, mining engineers and theoretical mechanicists have been quite limited, even though their problems are similar from the viewpoint of mechanics. Therefore, the primary objective of the William Prager Symposium was to bring together specialists from these various professional groups and disciplines, and thus promote interdisciplinary cooperation.
- Keywords
- Fracture properties; Geomaterials; Elastic theory; Plastic theory; Concretes; Rock properties; Mathematical models; Continuum mechanics; Meetings; Soil properties; Rock mechanics; Soil mechanics