NEHRP Clearinghouse

Field Investigation and Analysis of Buried Pipelines Under Various Seismic Environments.
Wang, L. R. L.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., August 1982, 20 p.
Identifying Number(s)
A research project is proposed in which the behavior of oil, water, sewer, and gas pipelines under various seismic environments, including seismic shaking and large ground deformation would be investigated. It is suggested that the investigation be conducted in the Beijing and Tangshan areas. Three major hazards to underground pipelines are identified: the effect of wave propagation; ground rupture and differential movement along fault lines; and soil liquefaction induced by ground shaking. Ruptures or severe distortions of the pipe are most often associated with fault movements, landslides, or ground squeeze associated with fault zones. A model is presented to evaluate the general longitudinal responses of buried pipelines, both segmented and continuous, subjected to ground shakings and vibrations. The results of these tests will be used to develop aseismic codes for buried lifelines.
Pipe joints; Field tests; Dynamic response; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Liquefaction (Soils); Underground pipelines; Piping systems; Pipelines; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysis