NEHRP Clearinghouse

Comparison of Building Seismic Design Practices in the United States and Japan.
Rojahn, C.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., January 1984, 314 p.
Identifying Number(s)
A team of thirteen building design professionals from the United States met with a group of ten engineers and researchers from Japan to develop a cooperative U.S.-Japan program for the improvement of building seismic design and construction practices. Workshop groups reviewed design and construction practices in both countries, developed recommendations pertaining to improved seismic design and construction requirements and procedures, and identified areas of mutual concern, including topics where there is need for future communication and exchange of information. This report contains the workshop recommendations and conclusions as well as the technical papers presented at the workshop. As such the papers provide an overview of current design practices, including project case studies from both countries.
Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; Steel structures; Buildings; Concrete structures; Construction