NEHRP Clearinghouse

Determination of Penetration Resistance for Coarse-Grained Soils Using the Becker Hammer Drill.
Harder, L. F.; Seed, H. B.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., May 1986, 148 p.
Identifying Number(s)
An investigation has been conducted on the use of a large dynamic penetrometer, developed by Becker Drills, Ltd., for determining the penetration resistance of gravelly soils. The results show that variations in drilling equipment and procedures significantly influence the Becker Penetration Resistance. To reduce the potential for variability in test results, a set of procedures is recommended as a standard. Using the recommended procedures, a new correlation between Becker Penetration Test resistance and Standard Penetration Test resistance has been developed. The new correlation has much less scatter than previous correlations and, by using data and experience developed in sands using the Standard Penetration Test, it provides a meaningful method for evaluating the probable behavior of gravelly deposits.
; Measuring instruments; Soils; Gravel; Standards; Resistance; Earthquakes; Data processing; Drilling machines (Tools); Sand; Tests; Penetration