NEHRP Clearinghouse

Second-Year Program in Research, Education and Technology Transfer, September 1, 1987-August 31, 1988.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., March 8, 1988, 66 p.
Identifying Number(s)
The second-year research plan of the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER) is presented. NCEER's six basic research programs are described. These are: (1) Existing structures, (2) Secondary and Protective systems, (3) Lifeline systems, (4) International Cooperative Research, (5) Disaster Research and Planning, and (6) Education and Technology Transfer. Collaborators from industry, consulting firms, government and academia are mentioned. Seismic hazards and liquefaction potential in the eastern United States, the performance of lightly reinforced concrete buildings, resonance effects for nonstructural secondary systems and the seismic performance of water delivery systems are examples of the engineering research which NCEER will perform. In addition, international cooperative programs which NCEER will support or continue to support are described, as are workshops, lectures, and conferences sponsored by NCEER as part of its Educational and Technology transfer program.
Structural engineering; Technology transfer; Research projects; Earthquake resistant structures