NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- Effects of Transverse Reinforcement on Seismic Performance of Columns: A Partial Parametric Investigation.
- File
- Author(s)
- Azizinamini, A.; Johal, L. S.; Hanson, N. W.; Musser, D. W.; Corley, W. G.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Directorate for Engineering.,
September 1988,
403 p.
- Abstract
- Twelve full-scale square and circular test columns, which represented a portion of a frame subjected to simulated seismic loading, were tested. Controlled test variables included the level of axial load, the amount and type of transverse reinforcement, and details of transverse reinforcement. The columns were subjected to constant axial load and slow moment reversals at increasing inelastic deformations. Several new types of lateral reinforcement detail were identified and tested. Test results indicate that for columns with area of provided lateral reinforcement equal to ACI-318-83 requirements, the resulting available displacement ductility ratios should exceed those generally implied by codes. Test results indicate that the current requirements of ACI-318-83 regarding details of transverse reinforcement including hook bends and hook extensions can be further simplified.
- Keywords
- ; Earthquake resistant structures; Columns (Supports); Seismic prospecting; Reinforcement (Structures); Graphs (Charts); Dynamic response; Axial strain; Loads (Forces); Ductility; Mechanical properties; Dynamic structural analysis