NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- UJNR Tsunami Workshop Proceedings (2nd). Held in Honolulu, Hawaii on November 5-6, 1990.
- File
- Author(s)
- Brennan, A. M.; Lander, J. F.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.,
March 1991,
265 p.
- Identifying Number(s)
- KGRD-24
- Abstract
- Contents: Decay of the Initial Crest of the 1960 Chilean Tsunami: Scattering of Tsunami Waves Caused by Sea Mounts and the Effects of Dispersion; On Frequency Modulation Observed in Two PacTOP Deep Ocean Tsunami Records; On the Generation Mechanism of the Low Frequency T Phase due to Tsunamigenic Earthquakes; Modeling Implications of the 1985 Chilean Tsunami (Abstract Only); Observation of Standing Edge Waves Trapped on the Shelf of Makurazaki Coast; The Criteria for Identification of Tsunami Events Likely to Produce Far-Field Damage, A Data Application; Impulsive Force of Timbers Drifted by Tsunamis; Simulation Models of Timber and Oil Spread Due to Tsunamis; Stem Waves and Hexagonal Wave Pattern in Shallow Water; Numerical Simulation and Experimentation on Tsunami Run-Up; Tsunami Propagation from a Finite Source; Hydraulic and Numerical Experiments of Non-Linear Dispersive Long Waves in a Two-Dimensional Wave Basin; On Momentum Exchange of a Tsunami Bore at a Shoreline; Least Squares Estimations of a Tsunami Source From Wave Records; Numerical Simulation as a Means of Warning for Near-Field Tsunamis; Numerical and Hydraulic Modeling of Flooding; Experiment on Two Dimensional Transformation of Non-Linear Long Waves Propagating on Slope; Numerical Computation of the Tsunami Run-Up; Inundation and Tsunami Waves; Urban Planning for Tsunami Hazards, Grays Harbor, Washington and Lima, Peru; Ocean Bottom Pressure Gauge for Tsunami Warning System in Japan; Automatic Estimations of Tsunami Risk Following a Distant Earthquake Using the Mantle Magnitude Mm; Real-Time Determination of Earthquake Source Parameters and Its Application to Tsunami Warnings; Assessment of Project THRUST: Past, Present and Future.
- Keywords
- ; Coasts; Predictions; Seismic waves; Damage; Mathematical models; Flooding; Peru; United States; Shore protection; Meetings; Tsunamis; Wave runup; Japan; Earthquakes