NEHRP Clearinghouse

Closed-Loop Modal Testing of a 27-Story Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate-Core Building.
Somaprasad, H. R.; Toksoy, T.; Yoshiyuki, H.; Aktan, A. E.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., July 15, 1991, 148 p.
Identifying Number(s)
Modal testing of a 27-story reinforced concrete flat plate building with concrete cores was performed to identify a reliable analytical model. Closed-hoop modal tests were performed to acquire reliable data by utilizing a linear inertia-mass exciter capable of generating a higher level of force to overcome the influence of wind excitation. Furthermore, the level of force permitted the observation of rocking. Recently developed HP SINE signal processing software with an HP-3565S measurement hardware was utilized in a close-loop test setup to control the excitation and to acquire and process the data. The natural frequencies, damping, and modal vectors were determined by post processing the measured data. It was possible to determine the mass-orthonormal modal vectors and flexibility without assuming a mass matrix. The rotational flexibility of the core foundation due to rocking was also quantified. A comparison of the current and previous modal test results is presented. An increase in the level of excitation force resulted in variations in the dynamic characteristics and lateral flexibility of the building. The performance of the hardware and software and the difficulties encountered during the test are detailed in the report.
Closed loop modal tests; Reinforced concrete; Structural vibration; Algorithms; Data acquisition; Dynamic response; Buildings; Concrete structures; Earthquake engineering; Vibration damping; Resonant frequency; Foundations; Signal processing; Loads (Forces); Structural analysis