NEHRP Clearinghouse

Probabilistic Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential.
Hwang, H. H. M.; Lee, C. S.
November 25, 1991, 87 p.
A probabilistic method for evaluating liquefaction potential is presented, using as an example a site at President Island, near Memphis, Tennessee and the New Madrid seismic zone. In this method the liquefaction potential of a soil layer is estimated by using the factor of safety F = R/L, where L is the shear stress ratio and R is the resistance shear ratio. Combined with the depth and thickness of each liquefied layer, F yields Iwasaki's (1982) liquefaction potential index, P. By including uncertainties in a variety of site parameters, 81 earthquake-site models are established. Given a moment magnitude, these earthquake-site models will yield probabilities of the occurrence of liquefaction of varying degrees of severity. Repetition of this procedure with varying moment magnitudes will permit construction of a liquefaction potential probability matrix and fragility curves. The proposed method incorporates local site conditions and regional seismicity and can easily be made to accommodate uncertainties in seismic and site parameters.
Probability theory; Stochastic analysis; Statistical analysis; Seismic waves; Memphis County (Tennessee); Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Shear stress; Liquefaction; Soil pressure; Nonlinear systems; Soil mechanics; Earthquakes