NEHRP Clearinghouse

Japanese Five-Story Full Scale Reinforced Masonry Building Test.
Seible, F.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., January 1988, 122 p.
Identifying Number(s)
From August 16, 1987 to December 19, 1987 tests were performed on a 5-story full scale reinforced concrete masonry building at the Building Research Institute of the Ministry of Construction of the Japanese Government of Tsukuba City, Japan. The author was on sabbatical leave from UCSD for the indicated time period, and the research stay in Japan was financially supported by the Science and Technology Agency of the Japanese Government and the National Science Foundation under the UJNR Cooperative Research Program on Wind and Seismic Effects. Participation in the Japanese Masonry Research Program resulted in four publications presented in the Appendix to this report and a commitment to complete two more joint research papers with Japanese researchers within the next six months.
; Masonry; Research management; USA; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; International cooperation; Tests; Japan; Lateral pressure