NEHRP Clearinghouse

Evaluation and Strengthening Guidelines for Federal Buildings: Identification of Current Federal Agency Programs.
Poland, C. D.; Holmes, W. T.; Malley, J. O.; Provencher, D.; Soulages, J.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC., March 1994, 150 p.
Identifying Number(s)
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), by order of the President, is developing seismic evaluation and strengthening guidelines (Guidelines for Federal Buildings) for federally owned and leased buildings. The project is overseen by the Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction (ICSSC) and funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The report develops Task 1, the identification of seismic mitigation programs. The report includes a detailed work plan and schedule for the entire project, a list of ICSSC member contacts, the results of telephone conversations with all ICSSC committee members to identify existing seismic strengthening programs, the results of detailed meetings with of seven federal agencies and four private sector organizations selected for in-depth study, and summaries of the performance objectives for all agencies and organizations.
; Seismic design; Standards; Earthquake engineering; Federal buildings; Building codes