NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- Seismic Evaluation of Frames with Infill Walls Using Pseudo-Dynamic Experiments.
- File
- Author(s)
- Mosalam, K. M.; White, R. N.; Gergely, P.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.,
December 31, 1997,
108 p.
- Identifying Number(s)
- NCEER-97-0020
- Abstract
- An accurate and practical testing technique to study the seismic performance of multistory infilled frames is formulated. This technique is based on the pseudo-dynamic method which can provide an acceptable approximation of the dynamic performance of structures under the influence of real earthquake excitation. The pseudo-dynamic experimental techniques is outlined and applied for testing a two-bay, two-story gravity load designed steel frame infilled with unreinforced concrete block masonry walls. It was shown that careful implementation of the pseudo-dynamic technique may lead to an excellent control over the experimental error propagation, even for stiff structures such as infilled frames.
- Keywords
- ; Cracking (Fracturing); Seismic design; Masonry; Framed structures; Mechanical hysteresis; Algorithms; Walls; Earthquake engineering