NEHRP Clearinghouse

Guide to Improved Earthquake Performance of Electric Power Systems.
Schiff, A.
National Inst. of Standards and Technology (BFRL), Gaithersburg, MD.; National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA., September 1998, 328 p.
The purpose of this guide is to document methods to improve the earthquake response of electric power systems. The major goals include: review how earthquakes affect power system facilities and equipment; raise the awareness and understanding of the vulnerabilities of power system facilities and equipment by reviewing their earthquake performance; suggest an overall approach to an earthquake mitigation program; suggest earthquake preparedness techniques to improve post-earthquake response; review design details that contributed to both good performance and failure in earthquakes; provide insight into facility performance so that facilities can be evaluated to determine their earthquake vulnerability; suggest hardware changes that can reduce earthquake damage to existing facilities; suggest approaches for new construction that have been shown to reduce earthquake damage; and suggest earthquake emergency response procedures to reduce the disruption from damaged facilities.
; Vulnerability; Control systems; Seismic design; Communication sysltems; Electric utilities; Facilities management; Electric power plants; Earthquake engineering; Electric power distribution; Operation and maintenance; Design analysis; Electric power production; Electric power generation; Substations; Seismic effects; Electric power systems; Dynamic structural analysis