NEHRP Clearinghouse

Manual of Evaluation Procedures for Passive Fire Prevention Following Earthquakes.
Williamson, R. B.
National Inst. of Standards and Technology (BFRL), Gaithersburg, MD., June 1999, 26 p.
Identifying Number(s)
This report originated with a research project that has focused on the postearthquake safety evaluation of the passive fire prevention features of buildings. Coordination with the structural inspection process is an important component of how the results of this research will be put into practice. Passive fire protection needs to be evaluated for its ability to contain a fire with limited fire fighting capability. Consideration should also be given to the concept that certain occupancies may not be safe in some structures while these same structures could be safely used for other occupancies. Another important area of study is the exterior passive fire protection. The envelope of a structure can be more vulnerable to a fire if the building has been 'pounded' by impact with adjacent structures. In this report we assume that the postearthquake safety evaluation is being conducted by a 'rapid evaluation team' which, in the first instance, identifies both the apparently safe and the obviously unsafe structures and then proceeds to evaluate more difficult damage conditions.
; Exits; Safety analysis; Fire prevention; Inspection; Scenarios; Earthquake damage; Procedures; Fire hazards; Manuals; Buidling codes; Passive systems; Seismic effects; Structural integrity