NEHRP Clearinghouse

displaying 1 - 2 results in total 2

  • Anagnos, T.; Kiremidjian, A. S.
    Stochastic Earthquake Recurrence Model with Temporal and Spatial Dependence.
    Geological Survey, Reston, VA.; National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., November 1985, 204 p.
    Identifying Number(s): REPT-76
    Keywords: Models; Earthquake engineering; Stochastic processes; Seismic effects; Earthquakes

  • Anagnos, T.; Rojahn, C.; Kiremidjian, A. S.
    NCEER-ATC Joint Study on Fragility of Buildings.
    National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.; New York State Science and Technology Foundation, Albany., January 20, 1995, 120 p.
    Identifying Number(s): NCEER-95-0003
    Keywords: ; Fragility; Damage assessment; Structural failure; Structural reliability; Load carrying capacity; Earthquake damage; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Ground motion; Structural response; Seismic effects