NEHRP Clearinghouse

displaying 1 - 3 results in total 3

  • Chavez, J. W.; Fenves, G. L.
    Earthquake Analysis and Response of Concrete Gravity Dams Including Base Sliding.
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., December 1993, 208 p.
    Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-93/07
    Keywords: ; Evaluation; Rocks; Estimates; Gravity dams; Sliding; Ground motion; Safety; Response; Displacement; Foundations; Case studies; Concrete dams; Earthquakes

  • Stewart, J. P.; Seed, R. B.; Fenves, G. L.
    Empirical Evaluation of Inertial Soil-Structure Interaction Effects.
    Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA., November 1998, 240 p.
    Identifying Number(s): PEER-1998/07
    Keywords: Inertial interaction; Earthquake damage; Empirical analysis; Ground motion; Foundations (Structures); Acceleration; Shaking; Empirical equations; SSI (Soil-Structure Interaction); Soil-structure interactions; Stiffness; Structural response; Soil properties; Vibration damping; Seismic effects; Soil mechanics

  • Fenves, G. L.; Mojtahedi, S.; Reimer, R. B.
    ADAP-88: A Computer Program for Nonlinear Earthquake Analysis of Concrete Arch Dams.
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works, CA.; Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA.; Harza Engineering Co., Chicago, IL., November 1989, 136 p.
    Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-89/12
    Keywords: Finite element method; Dynamic loads; Structural vibration; Equations of motion; Mathematical models; Earth movements; Arch dams; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Concrete structures; ADAP-88 Computer program; Joints (Junctions); Stresses; Displacement; Computer programs; Nonlinear systems; Dynamic structural analysis