NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 1 - 3 results in total 3
Carter, D. P.; Seed, H. B.
Liquefaction Potential of Sand Deposits under Low Levels of Excitation.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., August 1988, 335 p.
Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-88/11
Keywords: ; Soil compacting; Seismic waves; Vibration; Blasting; Shear stress; Earthquakes; Liquefaction; Soil pressure; Sands; Soil mechanics; FrequenciesFujikura, S.; Bruneau, M.; Lopez-Garcia, D.
Experimental Investigation of Blast Performance of Seismically Resistant Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Bridge Piers.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.; National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Program., April 20, 2007, 216 p.
Identifying Number(s): MCEER-07-0005
Keywords: ; Seismic design; Bridges; Deformation; Steel structures; Columns (Supports); Investigations; Blasting; Concrete structures; Earthquake engineeringFujikura, S.; Bruneau, M.
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Blast Performance of Seismically Resistant Bridge Piers.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.; National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Program., December 8, 2008, 346 p.
Identifying Number(s): MCEER-08-0028
Keywords: Columns (Supports); Design processes; Deformation; Blast hazards; Blasting; Bridges (Structures); Earthquake engineering; Seismically resistant; Bridge piers; Highway bridges; Concrete structures; Earthquake hazards; Analytical investigations; Experimental investigations; Blast performance