NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 1 - 2 results in total 2
Liang, G. C. C.; Duke, C. M.; Mal, A. K.
Separation of Body and Surface Waves in Strong Ground Motion Records.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., March 1976, 168 p.
Identifying Number(s): UCLA-ENG-7627
Keywords: Body waves; Surface waves; Seismic waves; Mathematical models; Shock spectra; Earthquake engineering; Soil dynamics; Computer programs; EarthquakesO'Rourke, M. J.; Liu, X.
Response of Buried Pipelines Subject to Earthquake Effects.
January 1999, 276 p.
Identifying Number(s): ['MCEER-99-MN03', 'ISBN-0-9656682-3-1']
Keywords: Buried objects; Geologic faults; Seismic waves; Landslides; Liquefaction; Soil structure interactions; Seismic surface waves; Mitigation; Body waves; Attenuation; Hazards; Lifelines; Failure modes; Earthquake damage; Seismic effects; PGD (Permanent Ground Deformation); Ground motion; Wave propagation; Underground structures; Structural response; Pipelines; Dynamic structural analysis