NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 1 - 10 results in total 12
Iwan, W. D.
Strong-Motion Earthquake Instrument Arrays. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Strong-Motion Earthquake Instrument Arrays Held in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 2-5, 1978.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France.), May 1978, 117 p.
Identifying Number(s): EERL-78-04
Keywords: Seismic waves; Seismic arrays; Earth movements; Construction; Installing; Facilities management; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Site surveys; Wave propagation; Meetings; Data acquisition; EarthquakesMengi, Y.; McNiven, H. D.
A Mathematical Model of Masonry for Predicting its Linear Seismic Response Characteristics.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization., February 1979, 115 p.
Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-79/04
Keywords: Masonry; Seismic waves; Mathematical models; Laminates; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Wave propagation; Composite materials; EarthquakesHelmberger, D. V.; Harkrider, D. G.
Modeling Earthquakes with Generalized Ray Theory.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, DC, January 1978, 21 p.
Identifying Number(s): CONTRIB-2959
Keywords: Numerical analysis; Cagniard deHoop technique; Seismic waves; Ray theory; Reprints; Wave propagation; Elastic waves; Faults (Geology); Iterations; EarthquakesApsel, R. J.
Dynamic Green's Functions for Layered Media and Applications to Boundary-Value Problems.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Office of Planning and Resources Management., January 1979, 377 p.
Keywords: Viscoelastic theory; Numerical integration; Seismology; Equation of motion; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Three-dimensional calculations; Greens function; Wave propagation; Integral equations; Theses; Soil structure interactions; Foundations; Earthquakes; Boundary value problemsChang, J. J.; Lee, J. J.
Water Waves Generated by Three Dimensional Bed Motion: Abstract for the Paper to be Presented at the International Tsunami Symposium, May 25-29, 1981, Japan.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., January 1980, 7 p.
Keywords: Numerical analysis; Ocean bottom; Earthquake engineering; Wave propagation; Ocean waves; Tsunamis; EarthquakesShinozuka, M.; Koike, T.
Estimation of Structural Strains in Underground Lifeline Pipes.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., March 1979, 24 p.
Keywords: Numerical analysis; Pipe joints; Earthquake resistant structures; Seismic waves; Subsurface structures; Earthquake engineering; Wave propagation; Stress analysis; Soil structure interactions; Pipelines; Dynamic structural analysisCohen, M.
Silent Boundary Methods for Transient Wave Analysis.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., January 1981, 216 p.
Identifying Number(s): EERL-80-09
Keywords: Seismic waves; Mathematical models; Computer applications; Finite element analysis; Earthquake engineering; Wave propagation; Rayleigh waves; Theses; Soil structure interactions; Boundaries; EarthquakesO'Rourke, M. J.; Liu, X.
Response of Buried Pipelines Subject to Earthquake Effects.
January 1999, 276 p.
Identifying Number(s): ['MCEER-99-MN03', 'ISBN-0-9656682-3-1']
Keywords: Buried objects; Geologic faults; Seismic waves; Landslides; Liquefaction; Soil structure interactions; Seismic surface waves; Mitigation; Body waves; Attenuation; Hazards; Lifelines; Failure modes; Earthquake damage; Seismic effects; PGD (Permanent Ground Deformation); Ground motion; Wave propagation; Underground structures; Structural response; Pipelines; Dynamic structural analysisDarragh, R. B.
Analysis of Near-Source Waves: Separation of Wave Types Using Strong Motion Array Recordings.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., June 1988, 160 p.
Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-88/08
Keywords: ; Surface waves; Seismic waves; Seismic detection; Algorithms; Seismic arrays; Mathematical models; Wave propagation; Frequencies; Seismographs; Accelerometers; EarthquakesMakris, N.; Gazetas, G.
Phase Wave Velocities and Displacement Phase Differences in a Harmonically Oscillating Pile.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., July 8, 1991, 60 p.
Identifying Number(s): NCEER-91-0010
Keywords: ; Wave phases; Finite element method; Earthquake resistant structures; Bridges (Structures); Structural vibration; Mathematical models; Pile structures; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Wave propagation; Vibration damping; Displacement; Soil-structure interactions; Dams; Soil mechanics