NEHRP Clearinghouse

Landslide of April 25, 1974 on the Mantaro River, Peru.
Lee, K. L.; Duncan, J. M.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., January 1975, 81 p.
This report is the result of an investigation of a massive landslide on the Mantaro River in Peru on April 25, 1974 which killed 450 people. It describes the landslide and events immediately following, which affected inhabitants and structures for a great distance downstream from the event. Vibrations caused by the moving earth were equivalent to a magnitude 4.5 earthquake. The slide dammed the river and formed a lake which reached a depth of about 170 m and a length of about 31 km before overtopping the dam. Severe flooding caused the evacuation of 1000 people and destroyed roads, farms, and bridges. A description of the nature of the inspection trip is followed by detailed geographical and background data, nature of the slide material and mechanism of sliding, secondary effects, hydraulic model studies, seismological aspects, and disaster relief. Additional studies include the cause and nature of the landslide, recorded ground waves, and disaster predictions and warnings. Sources of further information are provided.
; Structures; Seismic waves; Damage; Landslides; Peru; Earth movements; Disasters; Mantaro River; Dams; Flooding; Magnitude; Soil mechanics; Forecasting; Soil properties; Hydraulic models; Warning systems; Predictions; Photographs; Vibration; Maps