NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- Measures of Ductility for Structural Walls in Earthquake-Resistant Multistory Buildings.
- File
- Author(s)
- Ghosh, S. K.; Iqbal, M.; Derecho, A. T.; Fintel, M.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science.,
January 1978,
12 p.
- Abstract
- This paper attempts to establish, for the particular case of slender structural walls subject predominantly to flexure, a relationship among displacement, rotational and curvature ductilities which refer to an entire structure, to critical regions within a structure, and to critical sections within those regions, respectively. The relationships are developed on the basis of a simplified model. Limited results correlating displacement and rotational ductilities, and based on actual seismic analyses of isolated structural walls, are presented. Design implications of the reported information are briefly discussed. The results of this study represent part of the data obtained during an analytical investigation carried out to determine the force and deformation requirements in structural walls and wall systems required to withstand strong earthquake excitation. The dynamic analyses were carried out using the computer program DRAIN-20.
- Keywords
- Earthquake resistant structures; Walls; Flexural strength; Computer applications; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Bend tests; Ductility tests; DRAIN 2D computer program; Dynamic structural analysis