NEHRP Clearinghouse

U. S.-Japan Cooperative Research Program in Earthquake Engineering with Emphasis on the Safety of School Buildings. Proceedings of the Review Meeting Held at Honolulu, Hawaii on August 18-20, 1975.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Engineering and Applied Science., January 1976, 415 p.
This joint U.S.-Japan seminar was undertaken to review in depth the causes of damage sustained by modern school buildings during the Tokachi-Oki earthquake, to examine design and construction methods, and to identify needed areas of research to improve the seismic safety of school buildings. Technical papers were presented by both U.S. and Japanese participants. Topics included the study of earthquake ground motion for seismic design to establish criteria to evaluate seismic safety, dynamic testing and response of reinforced concrete buildings, and an evaluation of seismic safety of existing reinforced concrete school buildings. Recommendations were made to improve methods for strengthening buildings evaluated as unsafe and to improve the method for repairing earthquake damaged buildings.
Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; Reinforced concrete; Design; Mechanical hysteresis; School buildings; Earth movements; Foreign technology; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Dynamic response; Meetings; Earthquakes