NEHRP Clearinghouse

DELIGHT.STRUCT: A Computer Aided Design Environment for Structural Engineering.
Balling, R. J.; Pister, K. S.; Polak, E.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., December 1981, 135 p.
Identifying Number(s)
This report describes an expandable software system for optimization-based, interactive computer-aided design of structures. This system can be used for the design of statically and/or dynamically loaded structures which exhibit linear or nonlinear response. The software is the union of an interactive base code for the management of the computer-aided design process named DELIGHT, a dynamic nonlinear general-purpose structural analysis package named ANSR, a library of optimization algorithms specialized for the type of mathematical programming problems characteristic of structural design, and specialized software for the design of seismic-resistant planar steel frames. Flexibility has been emphasized in the development of this system so that a wide range of structural problems can be considered. The user describes his problem to the system by supplying a minimal amount of software or by selecting software from expandable libraries.
Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; User needs; Computer graphics; Algorithms; Structural design; ANSR computer program; Earthquake engineering; Computer programming; Optimization; Computer aided design; Fortran; DELIGHT . STRUCT computer program; Rattle programming language