NEHRP Clearinghouse

Theoretical Seismic Analysis of Curved Box Girder Bridges.
Heins, C. P.; Galados, N. H.; Li, G. H.; Shi, D.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., November 1982, 112 p.
This report discusses the single-column bent, multi-column bent, Rayleigh Ritz, and Rayleigh Ritz-multi-column bent methods for predicting the seismic response of curved box girder bridges. The formulation of the matrix method for the response of curved box girders is modeled as a one-dimensional beam. While the matrix method is shown to be accurate for dynamic analysis and effective in calculating the earthquake response of curved bridges, the computation time required by the computer is excessive and thus uneconomical. An alternate method for computing the dynamic frequency and mode shapes is examined. Radial and tangential displacements, bending moments, single span, and two-, three-, and four-span displacement functions are considered.
Earthquake resistant structures; Girder bridges; Mathematical models; Matrix methods; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Computer programming; Box beams; Curved beams; Displacement; Computer aided design; Dynamic structural analysis