NEHRP Clearinghouse

Analysis of Damaged Concrete Frame Buildings.
Roufaiel, M. S. L.; Meyer, C.
May 1983, 163 p.
This report presents a general analysis procedure for simulating the earthquake response of reinforced concrete frame buildings, which may or may not have been damaged during previous exposures to strong ground motions. The establishment of this analysis procedure requires the completion of the following tasks: the accurate modeling of the behavior of general reinforced concrete frame members subjected to strong cyclic loads, the definition of a damage parameter, which correlates well with the structure's residual strength and stiffness, and which is suitable for subsequent reliability analyses, and the establishment of a procedure for the dynamic analysis of damaged concrete frames.
Damage assessment; Reinforced concrete; Mathematical models; Computer applications; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Dynamic response; Mechanical hystereis; Concrete construction; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysis