NEHRP Clearinghouse

Proceedings of the U.S.-Asia Conference on Engineering for Mitigating Natural Hazards Damage (2nd). Held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on June 22-26, 1992.
Chiu, A. N. L.; Danuatmodjo, A. S.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; Agency for International Development, Washington, DC. Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance.; Hawaii Univ. at Manoa, Honolulu.; Indonesia Disaster Management Center, Djakarta., cJune 1992, 523 p.
Identifying Number(s)
['EMNHD-2', 'ISBN-979-8355-00-8']
The main objectives of the conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and staff members of agencies and institutions from the U.S.A. and Asia to exchange information on methodologies for mitigating natural hazards damage as well as to propose potential collaborative research projects. Topic selected for this conference were limited to five natural hazards: volcanoes, earthquakes, extreme winds, floods and ground failures. The volume contains the papers received in time for publication prior to the conference.
; Wind (Meteorology); Seismic waves; Landslides; Volcanoes; Storms; Structural design; Buildings; Floods; Earthquakes; Avalanches; Meetings; Disaster planning; Dyamic structural analysis; Tsunamis; Engineering geology; Mitigation