NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- Earthquake Risk and Insurance.
- File
- Author(s)
- Brillinger, D. R.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.,
October 1992,
50 p.
- Identifying Number(s)
- UCB/EERC-92/14
- Abstract
- Statistics has a long involvement with problems of risk and insurance. Preliminary to the problem of determining an earthquake insurance premium is that of seismic risk assessment. Seismic risk assessment may be defined as the process of estimating the probability that certain performance variates at a site of interest exceed relevant critical levels, within a specified time period, as a result of nearby seismic events. Addressing the insurance issue forces consideration of more than a risk problem, one needs to consider the whole sweep of geology, seismology, earthquake engineering and damage. Much of the report is review of existing material, but some new scientific results are included.
- Keywords
- ; Seismic design; Payment; Statistical analysis; Insurance; Mathematical models; Risk; Software; Earthquakes