NEHRP Clearinghouse
- Title
- Preliminary Report on the Principal Geotechnical Aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge Earthquake.
- File
- Author(s)
- Stewart, J. P.; Bray, J. D.; Seed, R. B.; Sitar, N.
- Source
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.; David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Los Altos, CA.,
June 1994,
260 p.
- Identifying Number(s)
- UCB/EERC-94/08
- Abstract
- This report documents the available geotechnical data from the Northridge, California earthquake of Jan. 17, 1994. The aspects of the earthquake discussed in the report include (1) the characteristics of the ground motions and consequent damage patterns; (2) the occurrences of ground failure and landslides; and (3) the performance of geotechnical structures including dams, structural fills, earth retaining structures, and solid waste landfills. Contributors to the report include researchers, consulting engineers, and public officials.
- Keywords
- Structures; Landslides; Earth movements; Seismic epicenter; San Gabriel mountains; Liquefaction; Dams; Seismographs; Damage assessment; San Fernando Valley; Performance evaluation; Los Angeles (California); Solid wastes; Earthquakes; Geological faults; Earthquake resistant structures; California; Earthquake damage; Earth fills; Soil properties; Failure; Maps; Northridge Earthquake