NEHRP Clearinghouse

Ultimate Capacity Testing of Laminated Elastomeric Base Isolation Bearings under Axial Loading.
Bradley, G. L.; Taylor, A. W.; Chang, P. C.
March 1997, 56 p.
Identifying Number(s)
Seismic base isolation is one of the most promising concepts in seismic resistant construction to come of age in this century. In an effort to facilitate the use of this technology, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published Guidelines for Pre-Qualification, Prototype and Quality Control Testing of Seismic Isolation Systems (NISTIR 5800). Isolation Systems/Units are broadly grouped into three categories: elastomeric, sliding, and hybrid. A common type of elastomeric isolation system is the ordinary laminated bearing, which consists of layers of elastomer and steel bonded under high temperature and pressure to form an integral bearing that is free of joints (elastomer and rubber are used interchangeably throughout this report). The report presents the results of testing to determine ultimate compression under zero lateral load for four steel and rubber ordinary laminated base isolation units, three of which are geometrically similar.
; Elastomers; Seismic design; Compression tests; Standards; Research; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Vibration damping; Vibration isolators; Bearings