NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 41 - 49 results in total 49
Wu, Z.; Soong, T. T.; Gattulli, V.; Lin, R. C.
Nonlinear Control Algorithms for Peak Response Reduction.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.; New York State Science and Technology Foundation, Albany., February 16, 1995, 91 p.
Identifying Number(s): NCEER-95-0004
Keywords: Algorithms; Mathematical models; Robustness (Mathematics); Earthquake engineering; Optimization; Peak responses; Control systemsCheng, F. Y.; Suthiwong, S.
Active Control for Seismic-Resistant Structures on Embedded Foundation in Layered Half-Space.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.; National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Buffalo, NY., August 1996, 297 p.
Identifying Number(s): STRUCTURAL SER-96-2
Keywords: ; Earthquake resistant structures; Algorithms; Mathematical models; Coefficients; Structural design; Dynamic response; Degrees of freedom; Foundations (Structures); Active control; Closed loop systems; Vibration damping; Earthquake engineering; Stiffness; Soil-structure interactions; Excavation; Half spaces; Dynamic structural analysisMosalam, K. M.; White, R. N.; Gergely, P.
Seismic Evaluation of Frames with Infill Walls Using Pseudo-Dynamic Experiments.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA., December 31, 1997, 108 p.
Identifying Number(s): NCEER-97-0020
Keywords: ; Cracking (Fracturing); Seismic design; Masonry; Framed structures; Mechanical hysteresis; Algorithms; Walls; Earthquake engineeringSadek, F.; Mohraz, B.
Semi-Active Control Algorithms for Structures with Variable Dampers.
October 1997, 50 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-6052
Keywords: ; Seismic design; Design; Algorithms; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Vibration damping; Accelerometers; Dynamic structural analysisFishman, K. L.; Richards, R.
Seismic Analysis and Design of Bridge Abutments Considering Sliding and Rotation.
Federal Highway Administration, Albany, NY. New York Div., September 15, 1997, 100 p.
Identifying Number(s): NCEER-97-0009
Keywords: Seismic design; Rotation; Deformation; Equations of motion; Displacement; Soil-structure interactions; Tilting; Translational motion; Load bearing capacity; Computerized simulation; Shaking table tests; Algorithms; Retaining walls; Sliding; Bridge decks; Highway bridges; Bridge design; Bridge abutments; Failure mode analysis; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Dynamic structural analysisHuyck, C. K.; Adams, B. J.; Cho, S.; Eguchi, R. T.; Mansouri, B.; Houshmand, B.
Methodologies for Post-Earthquake Building Damage Detection Using SAR and Optical Remote Sensing: Application to the August 17, 1999 Marmara, Turkey Earthquake.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Program., June 15, 2004, 192 p.
Identifying Number(s): TR-MCEER-04-0004
Keywords: Damage assessment; Synthetic aperture radar; Algorithms; Location; Severity; Qualitative data; Buildings; High resolution; Quantitative data; Remote sensing; Optical sensors; Detection; Imagery; Marmara Turkey Earthquake; EarthquakesChiou, S. J.
Estimation of Seismic Source Processes Using Strong Motion Array Data.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., July 1991, 152 p.
Identifying Number(s): UCB/EERC-91/07
Keywords: Mapping; SMART1 (Strong Motion Array Taiwan 1); Prototypes; Arrays; Algorithms; Mathematical models; Seismology; Seismic epicenter; Magnitude; Earth crust; Ray tracing; Measurement; Rupture; Acceleration; Motion; Earthquakes; Geological faultsNagarajaiaj, S.; Reinhorn, A. M.; Constantinou, M. C.
3D-BASIS Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Base Isolated Structures: Part 2.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., February 28, 1991, 146 p.
Identifying Number(s): NCEER-91-0005
Keywords: Earthquake resistant structures; 3D-BASIS computer program; Structural vibration; Springs (Elastic); Algorithms; Mathematical models; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Vibration damping; Stiffness; Displacement; Vibration isolators; Bearings; Nonlinear systems; Dynamic structural analysisWald, D. J.; Lin, K. W.; Quitoriano, V.
Quantifying and Qualifying USGS ShakeMap Uncertainty.
January 2008, 29 p.
Identifying Number(s): USGS-OFR-2008-1238
Keywords: Mapping; Qualitative uncertainty assignments; ShakeMaps; U.S. Geological Survey; Algorithms; Observations; Earthquakes; Ground motion estimation; Fault rupture geometry; Computer software; Event selections; Maps; Foreign countries; Quantitative shaking uncertainty calculations