NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 2131 - 2140 results in total 2187
Wood, N.; Soulard, C.
Variations in Community Exposure and Sensitivity to Tsunami Hazards on the Open-Ocean and Strait of Juan de Fuca Coasts of Washington.
January 2008, 44 p.
Identifying Number(s): USGS-SIR-2008-5004
Keywords: Statistical analysis; Tsunamis; Washington (State); Vulnerability assessments; Economic data; Coastal areas; Land cover data; Figures; Composite indices; Hazards; Tables (Data); Sensitivity; Strait of Juan de Fuca; Natural disasters; Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake; Exposure; Communities; Economic assests; Critical facilities data; Geographic information system tools; Population data; EarthquakesKong, L. S. L.
Variations in Structure and Tectonics along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 23 deg N and 26 deg N.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., cJanuary 1990, 343 p.
Identifying Number(s): WHOI-90-28
Keywords: ; Marine geology; Bathymetry; Tectonics; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Geologic formations; Two-dimensional calculations; Hydrothermal alteration; Theses; Sea-floor spreading; Oceanic crust; Structural geology; Earthquakes; GeomorphologyCatchings, R. D.; Goldman, M. R.; Steedman, C. E.; Gandhok, G.
Velocity Models, First-Arrival Travel Times, and Geometries of 1991 and 1993 USGS Land-Based Controlled-Source Seismic Investigations in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: In-Line Shots.
November 19, 2004, 36 p.
Identifying Number(s): USGS/OFR-2004-1423
Keywords: San Francisco Bay area; Seismic velocity; Seismic data; Travel time; Seismic waves; California; Tables (Data); In-line shots; Data collection; Geometries; TomographyEstill, R. E.; Odegard, M. E.
Velocity Structure of the Southeastern Hawaiian Ridge Determined by Tau Inversion.
December 18, 1978, 6 p.
Identifying Number(s): HIG-940
Keywords: Seismic waves; Reprints; Acoustic velocity; Hawaiian Ridge; Hawaii; Tau Inversion; Earthquakes; Earth modelsStephenson, W. J.
Velocity and Density Models Incorporating the Cascadia Subduction Zone for 3D Earthquake Ground Motion Simulations. Version 1.3.
January 2007, 28 p.
Identifying Number(s): USGS/OFR-2007-1348
Keywords: ; Ground motion studies; Wave velocity model; Pacific Northwest; Earthquake hazards; Density model; Puget lowland; Seattle Urban Hazards MapsKusumastuti, D.; Reinhorn, A. M.; Rutenberg, A.
Versatile Experimentation Model for Study of Structures Near Collapse Applied to Seismic Evaluation of Irregular Structures.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA. Earthquake Engineering Research Centers Program., March 31, 2005, 283 p.
Identifying Number(s): MCEER-05-0002
Keywords: Accelerograms; Seismic design; Collapse; Hospitals; Dynamic structural response; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Ground motion; Irregular buildings; Lateral pressureChen, P. C.
Vertical Distribution of Peak Subsurface Horizontal Earthquake Accelerations.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Directorate for Engineering., August 1985, 41 p.
Keywords: Depth; Seismic waves; Subsurface investigations; Peak horizontal accelerations; Seismic prospecting; Seismology; Earth movements; Acceleration (Physics); Amplification; Japan; EarthquakesYoo, C. H.; Acra, S. V.; Kao, J. S.
Vertical Motion of Highway Bridge Structures Due to an Earthquake.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., January 1981, 142 p.
Identifying Number(s): MUCE-81-1
Keywords: Mathematical models; Shear stresses; Dynamic response; Earthquake engineering; Highway bridges; Computer programs; Deflection; Earthquakes; Dynamic structural analysisKausel, E.; Ushijima, R.
Vertical and Torsional Stiffnesses of Cylindrical Footings.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., February 1979, 78 p.
Identifying Number(s): R79-6
Keywords: Structures; Cylindrical bodies; Earthquake resistant structures; Stiffness methods; Finite element analysis; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Soil dynamics; Soil structure interactions; Foundations; Footings; Dynamic structural analysisVeletsos, A. S.; Dotson, K. W.
Vertical and Torsional Vibration of Foundations in Inhomogeneous Media.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., June 1, 1987, 43 p.
Identifying Number(s): NCEER-87-0010
Keywords: ; Harmonic functions; Vibration; Earthquake engineering; Pile foundations; Layers; Soil horizons; Soil mechanics