NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 1 - 6 results in total 6
Fattal, S. G.; Todd, D. R.
Ultimate Strength of Masonry Shear Walls: Predictions versus Test Results.
October 1991, 48 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-4633
Keywords: ; Masonry; Earthquake resistant structures; Mathematical models; Walls; Design standards; Earthquake engineering; Shear stress; Ultimate strength; Loads (Forces); Building codes; Structural analysisFattal, S. G.
Strength of Partially-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls under Lateral Loads.
June 1993, 76 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-5147
Keywords: ; Masonry; Seismic design; Cracking (Fracturing); Mathematical models; Walls; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Shear tests; Lateral pressureFattal, S. G.
Effect of Critical Parameters on the Behavior of Partially-Grouted Masonry Shear Walls under Lateral Loads.
June 1993, 50 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-5116
Keywords: ; Masonry; Seismic design; Research management; Walls; Design standards; Earthquake engineering; Shear stress; Ultimate strength; Loads (Forces); Building codes; Lateral pressureCulver, C. C.; Chapman, R. E.; Cooke, P. W.; Ellingwood, B. R.; Fattal, S. G.
Plan for the Assessment and Implementation of Seismic Design Provisions for Buildings.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC., October 1978, 34 p.
Identifying Number(s): NBSIR-78-1549
Keywords: Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; Standards; Seismic risk; Structural design; Earthquake engineering; Hazards; Decision making; Building codes; Design criteriaLeyendecker, E. V.; Turner, G. E.; Fattal, S. G.
Workshops Convened by the Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction during 1984.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC., May 1985, 48 p.
Identifying Number(s): NBSIR-85/3161
Keywords: Seismic waves; Design; Standards; Buildings; Earthquake engineering; Earthquakes; Hazards; Safety; Meetings; Building codes; ConstructionFattal, S. G.
Research Plan for Masonry Shear Walls.
June 1993, 36 p.
Identifying Number(s): NISTIR-5117
Keywords: ; Masonry; Seismic design; Research management; Walls; Design standards; Earthquake engineering; Shear strength; Loads (Forces); Building codes; Construction; Compressive strength