NEHRP Clearinghouse
displaying 1 - 6 results in total 6
Schiff, A. J.
Seismic Safety of Electric Power Equipment.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Applied Science and Research Applications., June 1977, 29 p.
Keywords: Earthquake resistant structures; Methodology; Electric equipment; Electric utilities; Electric power plants; Power systems; Earthquake engineering; Reliability; Backup systems; Tests; Electric power transmissionWhitman, R. V.; Cornell, C. A.; Taleb-Agha, G.
Analysis of Earthquake Risk for Lifeline Systems. Seismic Design Decision Analysis.
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. Applied Science and Research Applications., March 1975, 16 p.
Identifying Number(s): INTERNAL STUDY-54
Keywords: Gas industry; Probability theory; Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; Water supply; Seismic risk; Electric utilities; Structural design; Public utilities; Ground motion; Earthquake engineering; Decision analysis; Earth movements; Decision making; Highways; EarthquakesShinozuka, M.; Rose, A.; Eguchi, R. T.
Engineering and Socioeconomic Impacts of Earthquakes: An Analysis of Electricity Lifeline Disruptions in the New Madrid Area.
National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.; New York State Government, Albany.; Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.; Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC., January 1998, 216 p.
Identifying Number(s): ['MCEER-MONO-2', 'ISBN-0-9656682-2-3']
Keywords: Emergency preparedness; Electric utilities; Public policy; Energy use; Memphis (Tennessee); Risk assessment; New Madrid Seismic Zone; Socioeconomic impacts; Electric power industry; Lifelines; Industry; Policy making; Vulnerability; Regional analysis; Earthquake damage; Economic impact; Social impact; Losses; Seismic effects; Economic models; Electric power transmission; Earthquake engineering; Electric power distribution; Electric power production; Electric power generation; BusinessSchiff, A. J.
Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17, 1989: Lifelines.
January 1998, 140 p.
Identifying Number(s): USGS-PP-1552-A
Keywords: Water systems; Loma Prieta Earthquake; Lessons learned; Electric utilities; Public utilities; Ports (Facilities); Waste water treatment; Buses; Public transportation; Damage assessment; San Francisco Bay Area (California); Airorts; Natural gas distribution systems; Lifelines; Telecommunications; Mass media; Communication networks; Earthquake damage; Water distribution; Transportation systems; Seismic effects; Monterey Bay Area (California); Emergency response; Railroads; Water treatment plants; Subways; Water utiliitiesSchiff, A.
Guide to Improved Earthquake Performance of Electric Power Systems.
National Inst. of Standards and Technology (BFRL), Gaithersburg, MD.; National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA., September 1998, 328 p.
Keywords: ; Vulnerability; Control systems; Seismic design; Communication sysltems; Electric utilities; Facilities management; Electric power plants; Earthquake engineering; Electric power distribution; Operation and maintenance; Design analysis; Electric power production; Electric power generation; Substations; Seismic effects; Electric power systems; Dynamic structural analysisYancey, C. W. C.; Camacho, A. A.
Aseismic Design of Building Service Systems: The State-of-the-Art.
September 1978, 86 p.
Identifying Number(s): NBS-TN-970
Keywords: Environmental engineering; Seismic design; Earthquake resistant structures; Health care facilities; Water supply; Sanitation; Seismic risk; Electric utilities; State of the art; Earthquake engineering; Hospitals; Building codes; Fire protection